border/bound/(outer) boundary/bourn/brim/compass/edge/end/fringe/limit(s)/marge/margin/mere/mete/perimeter/periphery/rim/skirt/umstroke/verge n. the outermost line or point of any area or surface, where it begins or ends _brim _n. a boundary around a body of water [....] border/bound/(outer) boundary/bourn/brim/compass/edge/end/fringe/limit(s)/marge/margin/mere/mete/perimeter/periphery/rim/skirt/umstroke/verge n. the outermost line or point of any area or surface, where it begins or ends _circuit/compass/perimeter/verge _n. the enclosing outer boundary of a plane figure __ambit/circuit/circumference/compass/rim/umstroke/verge __n. the perimeter of a circle or ellipse ___ambit/arc ___n. a part of a circumference ____quadrant ____n. a quarter of a circle's circumference; an arc of 90 degrees
==GEOMETRY & SHAPES== aligned/colinear/collinear a. located at different points in or on the same straight line _tandem _a. with two things arranged one behind the other, in single file _av. one behind another, in single file arc/arch/bow v. to form a bowed curve _camber _v. to arch slightly at center (surface) area n. the entire extent of something's surface
across/athwart/crosswise/overthwart/thwart/transversely av. from one side to the other across/athwart/overthwart/thwart prep. from one side to the other acute a. (of an angle) less than 90 degrees _acutangled/acutangular/acuteangled/acute-angled _a. acutely angled; consisting of acute angles
_affix/append/postfix/subjoin/suffix _v. to annex at an end [....] author/compose/indite/make/pen/write v. to create a literary or musical work _eulogize/panegyrize _v. to pen formal laudation of something or someone _lucubrate _v. to write arduously, esp. at night _v. to indite scholarly content _score _v. to compose a musical score for a movie or play _sonnet _v. to write a sonnet or sonnets _v. to write a sonnet or sonnets about something, often in praise or celebration
trompe l'oeil n. visual illusion in art by which finely depictured tactile and spatial details of objects present realistic appearances thereof n. artwork containing a trompe l'oeil or trompe l'oeils n. the style or genre of such artwork underline/underscore v. to mark text with a subjacent line, usu. to emphasize it n. a line drawn or printed under text upbeat/pickup/anacrusis n. an unaccented beat, usu. on a bar's last note or notes variorum n. an edition of a literary work or works that contains readings of or notes about its text by various scholars, editors, or other commentators a. of or being a variorum
balderdash/baloney/bilge/bosh/codswallop/falderal/falderol/folderol/fustian/garbage/gibberish/hocum/hogshit/hogwash/hokum/hooey/humbug/malachy/malarkey/malarky/mallarky/mullarkey/nonsense/piffle/rot/rubbish/tommyrot/trumpery/twaddle/twattle n. meaningless or ludicrous writing bombast/fustian n. pompous and pretentious writing [....] babble/balderdash/baloney/bilge/blather/blatherskite/bosh/buncombe/bunk/bunkum/codswallop/drivel/drool/falderal/falderol/flapdoodle/folderol/fustian/garbage/gibber/gibberish/guff/hocum/hogshit/hogwash/hokum/hooey/humbug/jargon/malachy/malarkey/malarky/mallarky/moonshine/mullarkey/nonsense/piffle/poppycock/prate/prattle/rot/rubbish/tommyrot/trumpery/twaddle/twattle n. senseless or preposterous speech bombast/fustian n. pompous and pretentious speech claptrap n. empty and dishonest talk intended to gratify or impress
corn/hocum/hokum/schmaltz/schmalz/slush/treacle n. mawkish art or entertainment n. mawkish elements in a work of art or entertainment pablum/pabulum/pap n. bland, banal, unsubstantial art or entertainment soprano/treble n. the highest singing voice of women and children, in the range of the treble clef n. a singer who sings or instrument that sounds in the treble range n. a part composed for a soprano a. of, in, for, or performing the soprano v. to sing or play soprano
dirge/elegy/lament/lamentation/ullaloo n. a grievous musical composition _coronach/dirge/elegy/requiem/threnody/trental/ullaloo _n. a lament composed or performed in commemoration for the deceased __n. a funereal dirge transpose v. to transfer a narrative, paradigm, or characters from one place, period, or context to another
skirl v. to play bagpipes v. (of bagpipes) to emit a shrill sound n. any stridulous tone produced by bagpipes sonnet n. a monothematic poem of 14 lines written in conformity to one of several fixed versified and rhyming schemes, usu. in iambic pentameter v. to write a sonnet or sonnets about something, often in praise or celebration staccato a. marked by or composed of abruptly disconnected and sequential sounds, tones, or notes a. of or marking a staccato passage n. staccato noise, music, speech, etc. n. a staccato passage n. a dot above a passage's notehead that indicates that it's to be played staccato tableau (vivant)/picture (pl. tableaux (vivants)/pictures) n. a static representation of a dramatic scene or historical incident embodying an immobile, costumed, posing person or group
figure/image/likeness/representation/semblance/simulacrum n. a graphic or plastic representation of a person, animal, thing, place, etc. _effigy _n. an image of a person _effigy/image/statue _n. a carved, cast, modeled, molded, or sculpted likeness of a person or animal __bust __n. a statue of a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest __statuette __n. a small statue _phallus _n. an image of the penis signifying male reproductive potency __ithyphallus __n. an erect phallus _picture/tableau _n. a drawn, etched, painted, photographed, or printed representation __portrait/portraiture __n. a picture of a person, esp. of their face or head and shoulders petroglyph n. a (usu. prehistoric) carving on or into rock petrogram n. a (usu. prehistoric) painting on rock segue v. to proceed without pause or interruption to an ulterior theme, section, movement, or song from that preceding serial a. (of music) pertaining to or composed in accordance with a technique whereby notes are disposed in tone rows _dodecaphonic/duodecaphonic _a. (of music) of, concerning, consisting of, or composed as atonal serial music wherein all twelve tones of the chromatic scale are applied equally, without any differentiation between harmony and dissonance serial/series n. anything published, screened, broadcast, etc. in installments at regular intervals
amanuensis/penman/scribe/scrivener n. a professional writer employed to manually transcribe, take dictation, etc. _amanuensis/secretary _n. a scrivener who writes personal correspondence _copyist/transcriber _n. a scribe who pens written copies of notes, documents, manuscripts, etc. _rubricator _n. a penman who writes the rubrics of manuscripts or books rubric n. a title, chapter's heading, or initial letter written or printed in red or decorative lettering, esp. in early manuscripts or books ruff/ruffle n. a soft, steady drumbeat v. to beat a drum with a low, constant rhythm score n. a written or printed form of a musical composition, on the (usu. large) pages of which all instrumental and vocal parts appear on separate staves n. (often incidental) music composed for a motion picture or stage play [....] amanuensis/penman/scribe/scrivener n. a professional writer employed to manually transcribe, take dictation, etc. _amanuensis/secretary _n. a scrivener who writes personal correspondence _copyist/transcriber _n. a scribe who pens written copies of notes, documents, manuscripts, etc. _rubricator _n. a penman who writes the rubrics of manuscripts or books
ameliorate/amend/better/emend/enhance/help/improve/meliorate/mend v. to make better [....] bowdlerize/expurgate/sanitize v. to alter or obliterate passages accounted offensive, obscene, or otherwise unacceptable before publication or performance edit/emend/emendate v. to correct and improve text _revise _v. to study and emend text, as that of a manuscript __edit/redact __v. to preparatorily revise and arrange (and sometimes condense, compile, or annotate) for publication __sanitize __v. to revise a document to preclude identification of its author's sources roman a clef n. a novel in which actual people, places, and events are fictionalized
recension n. a critical revision of a text (esp. a literary work) incorporating those most plausible elements gleaned from varied sources n. the edited text of a recension reprint n. a new edition or impression of a book, pamphlet, newspaper, article, etc. that has been printed or published before v. to print or publish a new edition or impression of a book, pamphlet, newspaper, article, etc. that has been printed or published before _offprint _n. a reprint of an article or excerpt first contained in a larger publication _v. to reprint an article or excerpt from a larger, previous publication restore v. to amend damage, decay, or alteration of a painting, statue, etc. to repair it to its former or original state
prosaic/unpoetic/unpoetical a. concerning or possessing the diction of prose protean a. (of an actor or actors) extremely versatile quadrille n. a French square dance performed by four couples and comprising five or more integral movements n. music composed for a quadrille in 2/4 or 6/8 time quarto n. a paper size (measuring 7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5") consisting of printed sheets (measuring 15"-20" x 20"-25") that are twice folded and cut to form four leaves (eight pages) a. having four leaves to the sheet n. a book of quarto dimensions n. a size of British writing paper (measuring 10" x 8") recapitulate/reprise v. to repeat a musical composition's earlier tune, motif, theme, etc.
essay [....] _prolusion _n. a precursory essay __foreword/introduction/preamble/preface/proem __n. a prolusion (usu. of an article or a book) that introduces its subject, purpose, etc. ___exordium ___n. an essay's introduction ___preamble/proem ___n. a purposive preface to a statute, constitution, etc. ___prolegomenon ___n. a formal, interpretive, often scholarly or critical proem introduce/precede/preface v. to afford a preface to a book, essay, etc. prologue n. a play's introductory speech or verses n. a novel's prefatory chapter
personification n. artistic ascription of human qualities to things or ideas n. artistic humanization of an abstract attribute phantasmagoria n. theatrical entertainment of the 18th and 19th centuries involving ghostly illusions, esp. those cast by a magic lantern picaresque a. of or describing witty, amusing rogues and their adventures a. of or pertaining to an episodic, satirical, originally Spanish genre of fiction depicting the adventures of knaves pitch n. the relative auditory quality of a tone or note determined by the vibrative frequency of its sound waves n. a standard of pitch to which musical instruments are tuned (usu. the A above middle C) v. to set the musical key of (a tune, a voice, an instrument) v. to sound a note of a particular pitch [....] phantasmagoria/phantasmagory n. a series of things seen or imagined in rapid substantive, photic, and chromatic succession and alteration, as in a dream
pathos/poignancy n. a quality that evokes emotions (esp. pity or sorrow), usu. for a character or characters _bathos/gloppiness/maudlinism/mawkishness/mush(iness)/sappiness/sentimentality/schmaltziness/schmalziness/soppiness/slushiness/syrup(iness) _n. excessive, false, or treacly pathos
elogy/encomium/eulogium/eulogy/panegyric/panegyry/tribute n. a formal, often lofty composition that praises someone or something _elogy/epitaph/eulogium/eulogy _n. an encomium for someone who has recently died encomium n. a literary genre, works of which are composed of five elements: 1. prologue; 2. protagonist's birth and upbringing; 3. protagonist's feats; 4. comparative praise of protagonist; 5. epilogue medley/pastiche n. a musical composition embodying passages or sections of others page/paginate v. to number the pages of (a book, booklet, document, etc.) pagination/paging n. the act of numbering pages pagination n. the figures written or printed on numbered pages palimpsest n. a page, parchment, tablet, etc. that's been written upon repeatedly, on which traces of earlier, effaced texts are still visible a. written upon more than once pastiche n. an architectural, artistic, cinematic, dramatic, literary, or musical work devised in imitation of a previous work, or in the style of another artist _parody/spoof _n. a comedic, often farcical, ironic, nonsensical, or satirical pastiche __burlesque/travesty __n. a parody that ridicules its subject farcically [....] elogy/encomium/eulogium/eulogy/panegyric/panegyry/tribute n. a formal speech delivered to praise someone or something _elogy/epitaph/eulogium/eulogy _n. an encomium for someone who has recently died
paean/pean n. a song expressing jubilation, praise, or triumph n. (Greek) a hymn of praise or exultation, ordinarily sung to invoke or thank an ancient deity, esp. Apollo
metric(al) a. of or composed in poetic meter or verse a. of musical meter metrician/metrifier/metrist n. a composer of metrical verses, as a lyricist or poet _lyricist _n. a metrician who indites a song's lyrics _poet [OR] poetess/versemonger/versesmith/versifier _n. a metrist who writes poetry __poetaster [OR] poetastress/rhymester __n. a poet who writes poor or mediocre verse __sonneteer/sonneter/sonnetist __n. a versesmith who composes sonnets minuet n. a slow, graceful, regal court dance in triple time for groups of couples that consists of a coupee, a high step, and a balance, which was popular in the 17th and especially 18th centuries n. a musical work in triple meter composed for the minuet, often as a movement of a sonata, suite, or symphony monody n. a musical composition whose melody consists of a single line or voice [....] metrician/metrifier/metrist n. a composer of metrical verses, as a lyricist or poet _lyricist _n. a metrician who indites a song's lyrics _poet [OR] poetess/versemonger/versesmith/versifier _n. a metrist who writes poetry __poetaster [OR] poetastress/rhymester __n. a poet who writes poor or mediocre verse __sonneteer/sonneter/sonnetist __n. a versesmith who composes sonnets
lucubration(s) n. a laboriously composed, often pedantic literary work (mass) medium n. any public, widespread means of communication: print, cinema, radio, television, Internet, etc. medium n. a solvent with which pigment is mixed to produce paint, or paint is mixed to extenuate its viscosity n. a substance used to produce an artistic work: oil, ink, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, clay, marble, etc. melodic a. of or concerning melody _monodic(al) _a. of or regarding monody [....] medium n. a solvent with which pigment is mixed to produce paint, or paint is mixed to extenuate its viscosity n. a substance used to produce an artistic work: oil, ink, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, clay, marble, etc.
cast/players n. the performers of a stage play or motion picture company/ensemble n. a collaborative circle of theatrical performers _troupe _n. a theatrical company that tours numerous venues literally/literatim av. (of textual replication) letter for letter lilt n. a light, lively, graceful musical rhythm n. a cheery dance, tune, song, movement, etc. with such a rhythm v. to sing or play an instrument with such a rhythm lilting a. (of a rhythm) sprightly, buoyant, and graceful literati n. literary people longueur n. a long, often tedious period, portion, or passage in a literary or dramatic work [....] consort/ensemble n. a small party of musicians who perform together _broken consort _n. a consort who play musical instruments of several families _choir _n. an ensemble of singers _consort/whole consort _n. an ensemble who play musical instruments of the same family, such as a string quartet or woodwind trio __skirl __n. a whole consort of bagpipers literati n. literary people
leaf n. a single sheet of paper comprising two pages printed or written on its sides _flyleaf _n. a book's blank leaf preceding or succeeding its content _folio _n. a leaf that's numbered on only one of its sides/pages _insert/inset _n. an extra leaf or leaves (usu. bearing advertisements) that are bound, tipped, or loosely inserted into a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. _interleaf _n. a (usu. blank) leaf bound between others printed in a book, ordinarily to protect illustrations, or on which notes may be written _page _n. one (usu. printed or written) side of a leaf
inversion n. positional reversal of tones in a chord or interval, usu. effected by raising the lowest note by an octave n. a contrapuntal variation of a melody or part in which all ascending intervals are interchanged with descending intervals and vice versa ithyphallic a. (of painting, sculpture, etc.) depicting an erect penis lacuna/hiatus n. a blank page or missing portion, usu. of an ancient manuscript
enlarge/escalate/grow/heighten/increase/intensen/intensify/strengthen/swell v. to become more forceful or intense _wax _v. to gradually intensify [....] interlard/intersperse/sprinkle v. to diversify or embellish (usu. prose or dialog) by irregularly interjecting therein that which is unusual, unique, quotational, idiomatical, etc. _farce _v. to interlard (prose, dialog, etc.) with jokes or quips _pepper _v. to frequently intersperse interleave v. to furnish a book with an interleaf or interleaves, esp. to protect illustrated pages [....] interlard/intersperse/sprinkle v. to diversify or embellish speech by irregularly interpolating therein that which is singular, humorous, or irrelevant, as quotations, jeux d'esprit, jeremiads, epigrams, anecdotes, etc. _farce _v. to interlard (a speech, etc.) with jokes or quips _pepper _v. to frequently intersperse
idiomatic(al) a. of or similar to an artistic style impromptu n. a brief musical composition that is or seems to be extemporized, and is usu. played solo inlay card n. a card or pamphlet included in a cassette's or disc's packaging, which contains credits, artwork, acknowledgements, lyrics, productional details, a conspectus, etc. intaglio n. the art of incisive carving (distinguished from that in relief) n. a design or figure incised or engraved below the surface of any hard material n. a gemstone, seal, jewelry, etc. carved or etched in intaglio v. to carve or engrave in intaglio
ictus n. metrical or rhythmical stress or accent _arsis _n. the stronger portion of a metrical foot, which contains the long syllable of quantitative meter or stressed syllable of qualitative meter idiom/manner/artistic style [....] _diction/expression/language/phrase/phraseology/phrasing/verbalism/verbiage/wording _n. a style of writing, determined by the selection, disposition, and application of written words [....] delivery/diction/elocution/expression/language/locution/phrase/phraseology/phrasing/speech/verbalism/verbiage/wording n. a mode of vocal expression, determined by the selection, disposition, and application of spoken words diffusion/prolixity/verbalism/verbosity n. overuse of words n. the quality or condition of lexical overabundance [....] diffusion/prolixity/verbalism/verbosity n. overuse of words n. the quality or condition of lexical overabundance
essay [....] ____iconography ____n. a dissertation regarding pictures and statuary historiography n. the inditement of history n. study of the practice, principles, and discipline of history, and techniques and chronicles of historians hymnody (Christian) n. the act or art of singing hymns n. hymns of a particular period or church _psalmody (Christian) _n. the act or art of singing psalms hymnody/hymnology (Christian) n. the composition of hymns n. the (usu. artistic or historical) study of hymns n. hymns collectively _psalmody (Christian) _n. the composition of psalms _n. any musical arrangement of a psalm _n. psalms collectively iconography n. the study of portraits and portraiture n. the study of artistic symbols and representative art n. symbols utilized in an artistic work, oeuvre, genre, movement, etc. [....] hymnody (Christian) n. the act or art of singing hymns n. hymns of a particular period or church _psalmody (Christian) _n. the act or art of singing psalms hymnody/hymnology (Christian) n. the composition of hymns n. the (usu. artistic or historical) study of hymns n. hymns collectively _psalmody (Christian) _n. the composition of psalms _n. any musical arrangement of a psalm _n. psalms collectively
hallelujah/halleluiah/alleluia n. any sacred musical composition based on the hosanna, "hallelujah" harmonize v. to write a harmony for a melody; to add notes or chords to produce harmony v. to sing or play in harmony [....] hallelujah/halleluiah/alleluia (Christian) n. any sacred musical composition based on the hosanna, "hallelujah"
fresco n. a durable technique of painting with watercolors on wet plaster n. a painting pictured with watercolors on wet plaster v. to paint with watercolors on wet plaster frontispiece n. an illustration that precedes and usu. faces the title page of a book or chapter therein hagiography n. a biography of a saint or saints n. composition of a hagiography n. a partial biography that idealizes its subject, often in an exaggerated or propagandistic manner
filigree n. delicate, intricate, lacelike ornamentation of gold, platinum, silver, or other fine, twisted, intertwined wire v. to fashion or adorn with filigree, as from a precious metal a. like, or made of or into filigree finale n. the last movement of a musical composition _coda _n. the final passage of a composition or movement thereof florilegium n. a beautifully illustrated book concerning flowers folio n. a sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves (four pages) of a book n. any book or manuscript of folio pages measuring the largest common size (presently, 15 inches) a. having or relating to the format of a folio n. the printed number of a book's page leaf _folio _n. a leaf that's numbered on only one of its sides/pages
extravaganza/spectacle/spectacular n. any spectacular, elaborate entertainment facetia/jeu d'esprit (pl. facetiae/jeux d'esprit) n. a witty, usu. amusing written work, such as an essay or story _lampoon _n. a satirical jeu d'esprit _squib _n. a brief facetia farce n. a light comedy of crude characterization and broad humor, the plot of which depends on skillfully exploited circumstances and ludicrously improbable situations in which much buffoonery and horseplay ordinarily occur n. the broad humor of a farce n. the genre of farcical comedy _burletta _n. a farcical operetta fertile/prolific a. producing many artistic (literary, painted, musical, architectural, theatrical, cinematic, etc.) works _voluminous _a. literarily prolific
envoi/envoy/l'envoi/l'envoy n. a brief, conclusive, dedicatory or commentarial stanza of certain poetic forms, esp. ballades
consort/ensemble n. a small party of musicians who perform together _broken consort _n. a consort who play musical instruments of several families _choir _n. an ensemble of singers _consort/whole consort _n. an ensemble who play musical instruments of the same family, such as a string quartet or woodwind trio __skirl __n. a whole consort of bagpipers elliptic(al) a. (of writing) extremely succinct entr'acte/intermission/interval n. an interval betwixt two acts of a theatrical performance _entr'acte/interlude _n. a musical, terpsichorean, dramatic, or comedic entertainment performed during an entr'acte (....) _elliptic(al) _a. extremely succinct (....) elliptic(al) a. (of a sentence, expression, etc.) of or subjected to ellipsis
disjunct a. (of melodies) progressing by intervals exceeding seconds dramatis personae n. the characters of a fictive narrative, usu. of a play or motion picture n. a list of a play's characters, usu. ordered by first appearances dramaturgic(al) a. of or relating to the arts of dramatic composition or production dyslogy n. written censure elegiac(al) a. representing or expressing dolor, as that of an elegy
essay n. a prosaic composition of short or moderate length treating of a subject _exordium _n. an essay's introduction _exposition _n. a detailed, explanatory essay __discourse/disquisition/dissertation/monograph/paper __n. a long, formal exposition ___disquisition/dissertation/tractate/treatise ___n. a systematic disquisition ___dissertation/thesis ___n. a paper penned by a student evidencing his or her research of a subject ____antidotary ____n. a treatise on the subject of antidotes ____nomography ____n. a tractate concerning laws, and usu. their authorship ____thaumatography ____n. a treatise about natural wonders (....) __exordium __n. an essay's introduction
desultory/discursive/excursive/meandering/rambling a. (of speech or writing) characterized by impulsively, irrationally aimless address of several successive subjects digressing/digressive/discursive/excursive a. (of speech or writing) departing temporarily from a principal pith or topic diminuendo/decrescendo n. (of music) a wane in volume or force n. a musical passage in which diminuendo is effectuated n. a dynamic mark indicating that its passage is diminuendo a. (of music) dwindling loudness av. (of music) played diminuendo
delineate/depaint/depict/depicture/picture/portray/represent v. to produce a visual likeness of anything, as a drawing, painting, photograph, etc. _delineate/describe/draw/limn/line/portray/trace _v. to depict a subject by inscribing lines and marks on a surface with a chalk, charcoal, crayon, pen, pencil, stylus or other inscriptive instrument __chalk __v. to describe with chalk __circle/circumscribe/encircle/ring __v. to trace a circle around ___circumscribe ___v. to minimally encircle a figure to touch as many of its points as possible __charcoal __v. to line with charcoal __crayon __v. to delineate with a crayon or crayons __pencil __v. to portray with a pencil __sketch __v. to draw simply, crudely, quickly, and often tentatively ___delineate/describe/draft/feature/outline/trace ___v. to sketch the contours of a subject ___draft ___v. to sketch preliminarily __trace __v. to copy a drawing by delineating its lines on a translucent, superjacent sheet of paper _depaint/impaint/limn/paint/portray _v. to picture with paint or paints _foreshorten _v. to shorten lines in a picture to create an illusion of depth
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