Exogenous hodgepodge

Blixa Einstuerzende: Bargeld Harassed

Published in Mondo 2000 circa 1993, the following interview was posted to numerous fan sites of Einstuerzende Neubauten in the late '90s. Herein, Herr Bargeld bandies a variety of topics to the inquiry and repartee of two witty gentlemen: Kenneth Laddish and Mark Dippé (who contributed to the impressive visual effects of The Abyss, Ghost and Terminator 2, and wrote the fatuous script of Spawn's execrable film adaptation). Exercising some small sedulity, I've proofread and accordingly revised this text. Enjoy, and you're welcome.

The Cure Discography: 1978-1998

This extensively reformatted discography is derived from another first published in the fanzine Cure News, circa 1997, which was then available on The Cure's website for nearly a decade, courtesy of Roger O'Donnell. This version boasts more (and fewer) details, and listings of subsequent releases and Elektra's editions exclusive to the North American market. All phases are demarcated. Still incomplete, this document will be revised periodically, and possibly updated with interpolations of omitted albums and singles.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Catalog: 1988-1999

"Why yet another list of MST3K's episodes?" I needed a simple, complete catalog of the original series (sans synopses, trivia, and capitalized conjunctions) that I might browse online or offline. The list that Best Brains issued me in '95 when I was enlisted as a member of the fan club has been mislaid for a score and is now obsolete.

The Ultimate Spinal Tap Discography, Mark II

Until late 2019, this page was available at http://www.steveworek.com/tap/; I don't know what's become of Mr. Worek, or why his site's currently defunct. I've interpolated some metadata and repaired a few minor errors; otherwise, this hilarious, exhaustive, superbly formatted discography of the Tap's immortal oeuvre appears here as it had on the prior site. Enjoy!

Great quotes #1: Astute auteurs articulate aperçus

As though you didn't already love these geniuses:

Stupid Quotes #1: Cinematic hacks spout inanity

Those who can't shoot shouldn't speak.

A story of active verbs

Redmonk hasn't been hosted on monkey.org for years. This may be the first original story that I ever read online, back in 1997. Heinous formatting and typographic (esp. punctuational) errors have been emended.

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