- Name: Robert
- DOB: 1979.4.21
- POB: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
- Ethnicity: Catalan/German/Pawnee/Romani/Irish/Polish
- Avocations & interests:
- Ambulation
- Architecture & interior design
- Books
- Cinema
- Composition
- Cycling
- Ethnology
- Games:
- Graphic design
- Itemization
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Microeconomics
- Noise
- Puzzles:
- Crossword puzzles
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Tangram puzzles
- Word-finder puzzles
- Photography
- Reading
- Ukiyo-e
Conspectus: I'm an author, lexicographer, photographer, cacophonist, ailurophile, bibliophile, cinephile, logophile, inveterate aggregator, dedicated middlebrow, incontestable babe, borderline narcissist, weirdly semi-Mediterranean Native American, and alliterative anastrophe addict. My personality type is superlative INTJ.
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